​​The following section describes how users can change their passwords.

You can only change your own password.

To change your password please follow the steps below:

  1. Logon to this SharePoint with your credentials (e.g. <firstname.lastname>@spf-test.dxc.com.

  2. Navigate to the drop-down menu with your name and expand the drop-down list. (The list can be found in the upper right corner)

  3. Select “Change Password” from the drop down list.

  4. A dialog box opens. Please enter your old password and twice your new password in the corresponding fields. When finished please click “Save”.

  5. Your Password is changed, but it takes up to 45 minutes to be replicated to the Azure AD.

Your password has to adhere to our password policies:
•       Minimum password length is 8.
•       Passwords must contain 3 of the following 4 classes:
o   English upper case letters (A to Z)
o   English lower case letters (a to z)
o   Westernized Arabic numerals (0 to 9)
o   Non-alphabetic characters (for example: !, $, #, %)[white space is not allowed]​